Thursday, 14 April 2011

Thursday 14th April - He is risen

Good evening. We have gone through the second bout of chemotherapy today and it seems to have gone well. I am feeling strong and have started a new drug for my back which seems to be working as I slept very well last night. I was once again sick before the chemotherapy but I am feeling much stronger now. My mum came across to support us and it was really great to catch up and also tell her about Disneyland and the fun that we had. We are going to try and rest tonight and have a an early night in bed to rest. Hope in the Lord and the salvation He brings is one of the most important things. Mark 16 v 4-6 says 'But when they looked up they saw that the stone which was very large had been rolled away. As they entered the tomb they saw a young man dressed in a white robe sitting on the right side and they were alarmed. 'Do not be alarmed' he said you are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here.' There is so much evidence of Christ's resurrection and He is risen. He died and rose again for us. Verse of the day: Philippians 1 Prayer of the day: Praise the Lord for Christ and for His death and resurrection. Pray for the success of the chemotherapy and for the Lord to take this cancer from us. Pray for our bodies and for us to be able to rest and recuperate. Pray for our families and for the Lord to be their strength and rock during this difficult time. Pray for people to see Christ for who He is.

1 comment:

  1. My thoughts, love and prayers have been with you particularly this afternoon, Glen and Anne. As Stephen and I try to rest peacefully and awake refreshed tomorrow, we will be praying for the same for you too. Good Night, God Bless, T xxxx
