Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Update - Wednesday 1st June

Thank you for all your prayers, the transfer to the hospice went well and he is settled there and seems more comfortable.  It is also a good environment for family and friends as they say goodbye to Glen.

Please be continuing to pray for Anne and the family as they spend time with Glen, there have been moments of laughter even in Glen's final days which for so many of us will be the way we remember him.  It is a real blessing for them to have those moments in this situation.

In John's gospel and chapter 11 we see the authority and power of Jesus over death, Lazarus Jesus friend has died and as he speaks to Martha his grieving sister he says these words:  "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die;  and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”

Jesus then goes on to prove who he is by raising a four day dead Lazarus back to life again, but interestingly he comforts Martha not with a promise of what he is about to do but what he will ultimately do, what he does now for everyone who trusts in him.  Death is not the end for Jesus, so it is not the end for Lazarus and it will not be the end for Glen, because whoever lives by believing in Jesus will never die.

And that is the comfort for Anne and the family.  It is not a comfort that the pain will lessen over time though it may, it is the comfort that is found in Jesus words:   "Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?”  Which was true of Glen who believed even in the face of his living for Christ with cancer.

But notice Jesus ends by posing a question, how would you answer it?  How you do determines whether you have hope or not.

Prayer: Father God thank you that because Jesus is the resurrection and the life we can entrust Glen into your care knowing that he is falling asleep in you and will awaken into your presence.  Thank you that you have conquered every illness and even death itself in Jesus.  Father we pray practically that Glen would be comfortable and that you would take him to be with you where he will know that he is more than a conqueror in you.

Father thank you too that the comfort we have to share is the comfort of a hope that is certain because it is grounded in the life, actions, death, and resurrection of our Saviour.  And we ask that you would comfort Anne and the rest of the family with your word and your work in Jesus.


  1. This is hard … so very hard …. and I don’t even know you.

    I pray your room is thick with the presence of Jesus – EMANUEL. You are, and will remain, an inspiration to so many. Well done good and faithful servant.
    God bless you and all who love you.
    Sarah from Sussex
