Good evening we have had a productive, safe and blessed trip to Durham. We were with the lady providing the treatment for over 5 hours but felt at peace with her. She really did have a compassion for our situation and wanted the best for us. I am really tired and did not sleep amazingly well last night and so would value a good nights rest tonight. We are staying over in Durham tonight with Anne's brother and wife (Thanks for the offer Gemma). Generally I am feeling well and have few symptoms. The Dr we met today said she would do both treatments, the chemotherapy and the alternative and so we are praying for God's confirmation in this.
We were listening to John Piper this morning (given to us by a friend) talking upon Romans 8 and treasuring Christ. Paul in v18 says 'I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us'. John Piper and Paul qualify that we are to suffer and that it is worth it due to what is to come - heaven. Paul further says in v6-7 'the mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the spirit is life and peace. The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law nor can it do so' . Piper says nothing should come before Christ, we should love him first and everything else second. We should sacrifice all for him and our lives should be lived for him. People put this world, relationships, dreams, alcohol, sex, themselves above Christ and that's why Paul says the flesh is hostile to God. Can I urge you to sacrifice all for Christ as He sacrificed all for you!
Verse for the day: Romans 8
Prayer for the day: Praise the Lord for what He has done for us and for us to sacrifice all for him. Pray for wisdom in the treatment choices we make and for the Lord to bless and use the treatment for the cancer. Pray for rest tonight and for a good nights sleep. Pray for our families. Pray for strength and for us to enjoy the time that we have.
Thank God that your meeting was such a positive and reassuring experience for you both, and that the vegan diet and supplements may offer an additional line of assault on your cancers. Teresa xxx