Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Tuesday 29th March - Humility

Good evening we have had a very strange day. My back was playing up this morning and so I have been resting and sleeping for most of the day which is probably a very sensible thing. Anne has done lots around the house and has looked after me well. My back is now feeling a lot stronger and firmer and we are hoping to go out to small group tonight. We are both feeling physically and mentally upbeat and know Christ is completely with us in all of our situation. We went to small group tonight and we were looking at humility. We are to look to Christ and we shall see our need of Him. Philippians 2 v 8-11 says 'and being found in human form, He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every other name so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the father'. Verse for the day: Philippians 2 Prayer for the day: Pray for us to realise our need of Christ each day and for us to bow humbly before him. Pray for our pride to be wiped from our hearts and realise the sinners we are. Pray for the success of the chemotherapy and for our physical recovery each night and day. Pray for us to be able to sleep and for my back. Pray for our families. Pray for people to see their need of Christ.

1 comment:

  1. I too have a very strange day, in which you and your families and my heart-felt prayers for same featured even more than usual. Stephen was not well enough to accompany me to the pool this morning. Whilst this is always a disappointment (from the point of view of his health) it also enables me to swim for as long and as hard as possible. I am always conscious of keeping him waiting too long for me after he struggles through his maximum 14 lengths before leaving the pool to shower and dress. So this morning I gave my training all I had. For the first time ever I completed 4 km in under 2 hours. As ever, literally every stroke is a conscious prayer for Stephen, Glen and everyone else who is (or at some point will be) confronting potentially terminal illness, and for all we who love and suffer with them. The countdown is now on seriously for my 5 km fundraiser for Marie Curie Cancer Care on Saturday week, and it's feeling really good!

    Arriving home, I had a quick cup of coffee before venturing out into the back garden to tackle the prickly task of Jack Russell-proofing the 300 or so metres of hawthorn hedgerow between chez McGrath and the wide-open (and apparently very enticing) countryside beyond.

    A couple of hours, several rolls of galvinised chicken wire, and much blood-shed later, Stephen, the houdini dogs and I were out there admiring my handiwork (S & I) and putting its serviceability to test (the canines). What better means of ensuring the dogs' secure encasement than the arrival of the postman? And all of a sudden there he was, passing the mail over the newly-enmeshed hurdle fence! Okay, we had a couple of rather startled after-the-event barks, but no escapees and no additional bloodshed or fleshwounds (it will be a goodly while before the effects of that lively spring hawthorn will have faded from yours truly's arms and hands!).

    Suddenly, all of this domestic practicality evaporated as I opened an unexpected package. This turned out to be the most wonderful and inspirational book from Glen's Mum, Paul E Miller's "A Praying Life: connecting with God in a distracting world!. This could not have been more timely or more welcome. Thank you, Ruth!

    Stephen spent most of the afternoon resting in bed (which probably heralds another restless night for all, sadly). This meant that I was able to enjoy beginning to read the book in calm reflection. Thank you again, Ruth, for bringing me this opportunity of developing and deepening my understanding of a relationship with the Lord.

    Strange Days, Indeed! But very, very precious and surprising ones.

    All very best love to all others who love and pray for Glen, Anne, Ruth and their family.

