Friday, 11 February 2011

Friday 11th February - Be encouraged

We have had a good and busy day. The day started early for Anne as she had to deal with fence people. We both then met people for coffee. Then I went to meet someone for lunch at Lark Lane. These were all great and a real encouragement. Anne has then cleaned the house (What a superstar!) and I read a book for the afternoon. We both then went out and did kids work at church with me meeting for a one on one meeting beforehand. I am feeling physically well and do not have many symptoms.

In meeting so many people today to discuss the bible I have read lots that really encouraged me. Mark 12 where Jesus is tempted by Satan and He shows His perfection. 'and He was in the wilderness forty days being tempted by Satan'. 1 Peter v3 and 4 'In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into and inheritance that can never perish, fade or spoil. The inheritance is kept in heaven for you'. What truths and what encouragement and hope we can take from that.

Verse for the day: Romans 9 v 11

Prayer for the day: Pray we will look only to Christ and that we will have no fear of what is to come. Pray for both of our bodies physical strength to be renewed as we sleep tonight. Continue to pray for the scan next week that it would be a blessing from the Lord and the cancer will not have progressed. Please pray for both our families that the Lord would continue to be their portion, shield and strength.

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