Good evening, sorry that the blog is being done so late but I seem to have had very little time to be able to sit down and do it today. We have been to church twice today and have been out for lunch also. We have also been to meetings after church to pray for works we are doing. We are both physically well and have had a day where we have been encouraged by God's people. I now have twice as much hair on my chin as I do on my head and I am also glad that Birmingham won the Carling Cup too.
Being at church was fantastic as it was a glimpse into what heaven is like and also the word was preached faithfully to us. We have just started a series in Philippians and the first few verses of the book show how we need to persevere with Christ until we meet him again. Paul says 'and this is my prayer that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ'. We really want to abound in the love of God and know that your prayers are aiding in this process. All things on this earth will rot away, there will be a new heaven and a new earth, we will have new bodies and our hope of gaining all this, remains in Christ.
Thank you for all your prayers and support.
Verse for the day: 1 John 4 v 1-10
Prayer for the day: Please pray that we would continue to grow in Christ's love and we would know the strength, peace and love of God. Pray for God's will of which treatment takes place and for its success. Pray for our families that God would draw close to them in this difficult time and would be their rock and fortress. Pray for our witness that we would only live to serve the true and living God.
It is wonderful to hear that you and Anne enjoyed such a busy and enriching Sunday. In the best possible way, I pray that many more days over the next couple of potentially irkesome weeks leave you with little time to sit down and write your blogs until way after my bedtime!