Monday, 21 February 2011

Monday 21st February

Tomorrow afternoon Glen and Anne see the consultant to discuss the scan and potential treatments, I will update the blog with news as and when I get it to keep you up to date.

But in the meantime it would be great if you would remember them in your prayers. Uncertainty is hard to live with, we all tend to start crossing bridges, trying to answer the what if questions. It is right and good that we pray for them to rest, not just to sleep though we should pray that for the family, but that they would rest in God.

Rest is one of the Bible's big theme, creation climaxes on day 7 when God rests from his work of creation, that doesn't mean that God got out the deck chair and put his feet up but he rested from his creating. Adam and Eve are made to enjoy the rest of God. But that rest is forfeited when they, just as we do, decided they wanted to rule, to decide right and wrong, for themselves, and as a result of the fall rest became difficult. In a world where work is hard, death exists, suffering is real, and illness experienced by all rest is ruined by sin.

It is what makes Jesus words in Matthew all the more startling "Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." And its against that backdrop that the writer to the Hebrews reminds those he writes to, who are in danger of forgetting, the rest that is theirs in Jesus.

God promises that by faith in Jesus we will enter his rest, a rest which is worth entering, that is coming and yet we taste now, that is still open, that is certain because he promises it, and which is reached by faith.

Prayer: Father God we pray for Glen, Anne and the family. We ask that they would rest in you, that they would turn their anxieties and worries over to you. We ask that they would be able to physically rest this evening and tonight, and that they would know the comfort of tasting now the rest that comes from being in a right relationship with you, a rest dependent not on what we do but on what Jesus has done for us.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully chosen words and sentiments, Al. Amen.
