Sunday, 20 February 2011

Sunday 20th February

We were privileged to share lunch and board games with Glen, Anne and the rest of the family along with other friends today and it was great to see both Glen and Anne looking well. Glen has finally come to his senses and realised beards are cool! Though I think Anne may take some convincing.

They were both in good spirits and it was a fun afternoon with laughter and love. They would both value our continuing prayers for the week ahead especially Tuesday, as would the rest of the family.

Revelation 4 gives us a peak behind the curtains of history into the throne room of God, it shows us God sat on his throne, he reigns and rules and nothing jeopardises his rule. A Uganda bishop put it like this “Satan can roar like a lion but he has no right to shake the throne…” That is the reality that God is unveiling to John and to us.

God sits on his throne and creation worships him and the church worships him because he is sovereign and that is what he is due. This week God remains sovereign, he remains enthroned and history is heading inexorably to the moment when everyone will recognise him and his people will enjoy eternity forever with him. In the meantime we live longing for that rule and reign to be established, praising God for his sovereignty and his unfailing goodness even as we live in a world sick with sin and riven with its consequences. They do not challenge God's rule but remind us that our great and glorious God will one day remove all suffering, he will place his thumb on the cheek of his people and wipe the tears from their eyes, as he throws open the doors of his kingdom to welcome them in. In the meantime we are to live longing and praying for that day to come and God's will to be done.

Prayer: Father God we thank you and praise you for keeping Anne and Glen at this time. We pray that they would know your continuing help and the comfort of your sovereignty and love. Father we bring Tuesday to you and ask that you would remove anxieties and give wisdom to both the family and the doctors and nurses. Thank you for the comfort the knowledge of your sovereignty brings and for the promise our future holds because of your work of grace in our hearts and lives. Amen


  1. Glen, I have been praying for you since I met Rob last week.

  2. Thank you once again, Al, for sharing the joy of Glen and Anne's happy time with family, friends and the Lord with we who are further away. You have all remained uppermost in my thoughts and prayers this weekend and will remain so throughout the week ahead, most especially on Tuesday, T xxxxxx
