Good evening. We have had another really good day and have been blessed by the encouragement of other people. We were able to rest this morning and Anne went out for breakfast too! We then took things a bit slower before going to a funeral at Bridge Chapel this afternoon. This was a real encouragement in 2 ways, first we have an eternal hope and second we were able to speak to people about our situation and they were an encouragement to us. We have then been to friends for the evening (another blessing) and are now home resting.
We were reading Isaiah 9 this morning and were really encouraged by the prediction of Christ's coming 700 years before and how our God is a Mighty God and Wonderful Counsellor. V6 says 'For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. And the government will be upon His shoulders and He shall be called Wonderful Saviour, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ' and v2 says ' The people walking in darkness have seen a great light, on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.' What an amazing truth! 700 years before Christ came here He is predicted to come and be our saviour and counsellor. His kingdom will never end. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement.
Verse for the day: Isaiah 9
Prayer for the day: Praise the Lord for Jesus Christ and Him coming to be our saviour by grace. Please pray for the scan next week that it would be a blessing from the Lord and would be an answer to prayer. Pray for my physical health to continue to grow and strengthen each day. Pray for our energy to complete things. Please pray for our families and friends as they walk with us in this difficult situation.
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