Friday, 17 December 2010

Friday 17th December - Our mortal bodies are weak!

I thought I would start today with the verses. A friend came to visit us the other day and really challenged myself with this verse and it is very apt for today. 2 Corinthians 4 v 16-18 'therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary and what is unseen, eternal.'

Me and Anne have such a peace about this process and the fact God is in control is made so real each day and our spiritual needs are being met day by day by the Living God. We have been so touched by people's gifts, prayers and texts and God is really giving us the grace needed for each day. Our physical ones are much harder to control though. Anne is feeling really run down through feeling physically weak and I just can't seem to find the energy or enthusiasm to complete the mundane tasks of life. As Paul says though our bodies here are weak we have an eternal and powerful God. A day of cold is nothing in comparison with the eternal glory we have to come.

We are going to meet the Neurosurgeon at 2:45 on Monday and are praying that it goes well. Just as an aside me and Anne are not greater, special or more spiritual than anyone else but we have a God who gives us Christ each day and is sufficient for all our needs. I am not sure what is to come but what I am is that God will not be there all the way through. Please be encouraged that whatever your circumstance God is with you.

Prayer for the day: That we would have our physical needs met and that Anne would be stronger physically and I have some motivation for the mundane. That the meeting on Monday goes well and that the surgery will be soon and they can take all the tumour out.

Thanks for all your prayers



  1. All very best love to you both,and my prayers are with you both for continued strength, determination and energy. Remember, the mundane is exactly that - unimportant! That's a difficult concept for most of us to recognise, especially at this time of year. I find this ironic, since this should be the season when we are best able to realise what is truly important. Thank God that you do!

  2. Does that mean you are not cooking your wonderful meals? Remember Psalm 62 verses 5 -8. God is a mighty rock in whom we can take refuge, that He is always to pour our hearts to and He will listen. We are all with you along this journey you are taking and know that God will sustain us all. It has even made your dad learn how to use his mobile phone, he will be texting next! Nathan has also taught me about twitter!!!! Love you both lots.

  3. Karl said ..

    I agree with your Mum, think its a god incidence that she refered you to the same passage I did yesterday and the day before. Psalm 62:8 TRUST IN THE LORD AT ALL TIMES, O PEOPLE; POUR OUT YOUR HEART BEFORE HIM; GOD IS A REFUGE FOR US.
    You are a great encouragement and it was great to see you with the small group lads last night.

    Your right Psalms are great for getting pumped. Today i was encouraged by PSALM 3 !
    Brilliant scripture.

    Mate i'm praying for you and Anne, hope you have a nice relaxing day. The weather will keep you and Anne at home.

    Praying about Monday, god bless brother
