Thursday, 23 December 2010

Thursday 23rd December - Children of God

The term 'christian' is used as one to show somebody who has chosen to follow Jesus Christ. The bible uses a greater term than this and it is a 'child of God'. John explains this when he says 'everyone that believes that Jesus is the Christ has become a Child of God' (1 John 5v1). Paul then further qualifies this when he claims in (Romans 8v 17-19) 'Now if we are children of God, then we are heirs- heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we might share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us'.

What does this then mean. A child relies on their parents so should we upon our eternal father. A child is loved, cared for, secure in the arms of and rescued by their parents. They have assurance, know compassion and are able to ask of their parents. How more apparent is this with God in heaven than here on earth. God loves us, He has compassion upon us and we are co-heirs with His own perfect son, Jesus Christ. Paul makes the claim our present sufferings are for the glory of Christ and how true that is. We are daily living for the glory that is to come. We went to see the Narnia film yesterday and if you know the story Reepicheep goes to the land of Aslan. We also go to a land but one of greater superiority, heaven.

None of what I am going through is easy, I have fears and worries each day. I cry from time to time and despair that I will leave this earth sooner than I wish. God though is with me. He is a God who made the stars in the sky, who made every hair on my body and commanded me into being before time began. What a God. He is with me in this and we are going to have the treatment and pray for His will. I am going into hospital in the next couple of hours and the blog will be updated tomorrow by a friend. I am sorry if I can not make a posting on Christmas day but will make every effort to return on boxing day. Thank you once again for all your prayers and support. I will make know the time of the operation as soon as I know it.

Thank you and God Bless

Prayer for the day: That I would have a successful operation with no complications and a swift recovery. I am able to be out on boxing day to spend time with my family and open a present and that God would really be speaking to me of his will for this situation.

Verse of the day: Psalm 69


  1. I trust that you are comfortable in hospital as I write this, and I know that you won't read it yourself until a day or two after your operation. But it may bring some comfort to others who love you. More selfishly, I am finding the act of putting my thoughts and feelings into positive words an enlightening daily spiritual act of devotion. So, again, I thank you for that with all my heart and soul. I also want you to know that you have taught me more over the past week than I had managed to learn in my lifetime to date. And to think that no so long ago I was supposed to be educating you!

    It goes without saying that I am thinking of, and praying for, you and all who love you minute by minute. As I spend the next couple of days celebrating Christmas Eve (Polish-style) and Christmas Day with my husband and some of my close family, I look forward to hearing about you all doing likewise in a few days. In the meantime, may God keep you safe and ever-stronger.

    As my late Dad always used to say by means of taking his leave: "God Bless, Keep Smiling". T XXXXX

  2. Glen's operation is at 8.30 in the morning. He is at hospital now and spoken to the surgeon, who has reassured him that the operation is straightforward. A friend will update the blog tomorrow with news as to how it has gone. Thanks for all your support and pray.

  3. Hi Glen,

    We prayed for you as a family this morning. We trust that the promises of the gospel and the faithfulness of Jesus will burn very close to your heart, and pray that you might know the Lord's healing.


  4. Hey Glen, praying for you now. My thoughts are with both you and Anne. God Bless Bro

