Sunday, 19 December 2010

Sunday 19th December - All things are good for the glory of God.

Been to church this morning - what an encouragement! There are times when I think why me? How can this be a good thing? How is this making me love God more? Romans though this afternoon emphatically answered this 'and we know that God causes all things to work together for good, to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose' (Romans 8 v28). C.E.B Cranfield says in his commentary on this verse ' we understand the first part of the verse to mean that nothing can really harm in the deepest sense of the word- those who truly love God but all things happen to them, even grievous ones to help them on their way to salvation, confirming their faith and drawing them closer to their master'

All things help us to grow closer to the Lord and have a greater sense of who He is. I am nervous about tomorrow's meeting and really want the surgery to be this week so I don't miss out on Christmas, even wanting to cook Christmas lunch. I am not sure why this is happening, why me or what the outcome will be but one thing I can be sure of is that God will use it, I will draw closer to God and I am more sure of my salvation than ever before. God is truly working in our questions, prayers and being at church this morning. We are growing daily and completely trusting in him.

Please be encouraged that we are totally positive in this situation and find ourselves in the grip of grace. That is totally down to the prayers of His people and God's amazing grace. Thank you for all the words of encouragement we have had and how totally supported we feel by each and every one of you. We love you all.

Prayer for the day: That we can be of some encouragement to other people, that the meeting tomorrow goes well and they can take the whole tumour and that we grow closer to the Lord.


  1. You are most certainly an encouragment and inspiration to my husband and I, and I'm sure to all others who know you and many that don't. So with that part of the prayer answered, forgive us if we focus solely on positive and speedy outcomes for your appointment tomorrow afternoon. All very best love to you both and to all who love you. T xxxx

  2. Praying for tomorrow x

  3. You are a great encourager Glen! Lots of people are asking about you and praying for you and Anne.
    Hoping to be with you to see the surgeon tomorrow.
    Isaiah 40 v 31
    lots of love
