Thursday, 30 December 2010

Thursday 30th December - Praise the Lord

Psalm 113 - Praise the Lord, Praise O servants of the Lord, praise the name of the Lord. Blessed be the name of the Lord from this time forth and evermore. From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised. The Lord is high above all the nations and his glory above all the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, who is seated on high, who looks far down on the heavens and the earth. He raises the poor from the dust and the needy from the ash heap to make them sit with princes, with the princes of his people. He gives the barren woman a home and making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord.

I wanted to start by writing something to show my praise of the Lord. We went to the hospital today and the Lord answered my prayer of speaking through the surgeon. The surgeon said he removed the whole tumour, he said the other tumor is less than 1cm and that the cancer is not acting as aggressively as it could. He said that I will go through a treatment of radiotherapy to kill any remaining cancer cells and the other tumour. If the tumour is still there after then he we will do another form of radiotherapy which will target that specific tumour and tumours are generally responsive to this. He said having no major side effects and being young, fit and healthy were also big advantages. He was really positive and there were so many blessings in what he said. I am sorry it has taken this positive meeting for me to come and praise the Lord in the manner I started with and for this I am sorry.

Ever since I became a Christian I have loved the book of Job and I love how even in the depths of despair Job says 'The Lord give and take away, blessed be His name'. Job praises and revers God even in the depths of all being taken. I thank the Lord for today's meeting and that so many people are continuing to pray for us and our situation. The number of prayer chains the Lord has placed me on is mind boggling and that is how amazing our God is. He is a faithful God who never forsakes us or leaves in it all.

We met 2 other people who had surgery at the same time as myself today. One of them was a girl called Lucy who was about 18. I am not sure of her case other than she must have a form of brain cancer. Lucy was in complete despair after her meeting today. She was crying, wailing, shouting for over an hour and was still in with the nurse as we were leaving. Me, Anne and my mum could just not get this young girl out of our heads. We just had a complete feeling of compassion and wanted to pray for her. As I said I am not sure of her case and what she is going through and I mention her because I really would like people to pray for her situation. I may meet her again and I just would love wisdom in knowing what to say and how to even approach her. Please pray God may show himself to her in her situation and I may have the chance to share the gospel with her.

Once again thank you for all your prayers and support for today. God is an awesome God who is sovereign and mighty to save. Praise His name.

Prayer for the day: Thank the Lord for the news we received today and that I have a real assurance about the process. Pray for Lucy that God may meet her in her situation. Please pray that the radiotherapy works and God destroys all the cancer cells still present. Please pray that God will be glorified in what I say and do around people in the hospital.


  1. What wonder-ful news about the success of your operation, and the promising prognosis for the treatment that lies ahead. Make no mistake that this will be a challenging physical, emotional and spiritual roller-coaster for you and we, the very many who love you. But for now, I am with you, your Mum and Anne in not being able to get Lucy out of my mind and prayers.

    Please God, give Lucy, her family and friends the strength and faith to accept and embrace the challenges that, in your wisdom, you have presented them with at this time. Thank you, Lord, for the news and reassurances that you have delivered to Glen and all we who love him today. We pray that the radiotherapy is effective and as pain-free as you see fit, and that it destroys all the remaining cancer cells in Glen's mortal body. We thank you for the talents, care and love that you bestow through all the hospital workers. Finally, and I know I am asking a great deal today, Please let Lucy feel some comfort and optimism in her uncertain situation.

  2. That's great news Glen... Really pleased with the outcome of the meeting. We continue to pray for you both regularly. Much love, Matt and Hannah Back xx

  3. Hi Glen, I have been following the blog as not on facebook, etc, as the rest of the family are. This is excellent news and indeed reason for Praise. Your blogs have and are inspiring building Faith all the time. May God's peace stay with you and His gift of Faith surround you. Graham

  4. I’ve been reading your blog from the Kent and Sussex borders! My husband currently has his own battle with this hideous disease but, like you, we can testify to the goodness of God in our struggles. If you have time, do listen to a talk from St Peter’s Church, Brighton on 15th August - Sam Brewer on ‘Walking on Water’. We visited this church soon after diagnosis at a very low point and this was so encouraging to us. Definitely God ordained. Psalm 91: 14-16 has been given to us several times and I was interested to see someone mention it on your Blog. I firmly believe every word of it. God bless you and may His supernatural peace rest upon you and your family. Sarah
