Happy Christmas to you all. Thought it would be good to have an update on today of all days. Amazingly our prayers have been answered and the latest news is that Glen will be going home today, though he will return for a scan tomorrow, the doctors have been very pleased with his progress. There is still some blurring to his vision but that is to be expected and the doctors are not concerned.
Glen and the family are grateful for God's grace and mercy to them and the skill and ability he has given the surgeons and medical professionals, and the amazing way God has made our bodies.
Prayer: Praise God for his goodness and Glen's amazing progress, pray for him to be wise as he continues to heal and not expect or try to do too much too early.
Scripture: “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord."
This wonderful news has made an already wonderful Christmas even better. Thank you, Al, for making the time to share this update with all who love and have been praying for Glen, Anne and all their families and loved ones. Praise the Lord. Halejulia :-) xxxxx