Overall I have had a really great Christmas. I did have surgery but through the Lord's goodness and blessing I was able to recover swiftly and be able to have a full Christmas dinner on Sunday. My family really made it a great weekend and I want to thank them so much for all their support, love and prayers.
My mum bought me a book on prayer and I started reading it this morning and it really challenged me. We all feel guilt, fear and like we are speaking to ourselves when we pray. We go through lists, people, activities and it becomes a chore. We say 'I need to pray now otherwise....'. CHRIST says 'Come like a child'. Open, honest and heavy laden. Whatever, whenever and to him. A child comes with an open heart and is honest. They have no qualms about asking, about being honest and they have no fears things won't happen. Christ loves sinners, He loves children and He loves us and wants us to bring what is on our heart to Him. He listens and in Matthew, Christ says what father would not give their child a good gift if they were to ask.
I love that truth. We can be honest with God. We can bring our burdens and He lifts them off us. What an encouragement!
Verse for the day: Mark 10 v 14-15 - 'Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it'
Prayer for the day: That God would continue to be all that we need in our situation. That I would continue to recover from the surgery. For any meetings that we have this week that God would go before them and bless us with good news. For people who do not know of Christ for their salvation.
I thank God that you were able to enjoy your family Christmas dinner just a day after the modern calendar dictates. Christ was certainly present with you all throughout the week. For the first time in my life, I am happy to be able to say the same was true for me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and soul for that, Glen. You are a wonderful and inspirational teacher. Today I pray that you continue your miraculous recovery, and that God recognises the value of the wonderful work that you do on his behalf on earth. I love you, Glen & Anne! Teresa xxxxx
ReplyDeleteThank you for your encourgement, John Piper has his own website of all his sermans over the last 30 years find it using the below address;
Jen and I continue to pray for you and Anne god bless karl x x