Thursday, 16 December 2010

Thursday 16th December - How amazing is my God!

I suppose lots of you who are just reading this and have read the title in relation to what we are going through are saying how can Glen say that? Let me explain. 2 days ago I found out that I have a brain tumour on the back right part of my brain and that I have 4 small cancerous lumps in my lungs. It was never expected and came as quite a shock. I am due to have brain surgery within the next 2 weeks followed by a course of radiotherapy for the brain and chemotherapy for the lungs. The doctors seemed more upbeat than I was expecting and being young is a good thing.

God though has been our rock and our strength. We were told I may not get much sleep due the tablets I have been on but both me and Anne have not got less than 6 hours every night. Within 24 hours there was a facebook page with people going to pray for 24 hours for me? Meals, texts, cards, invites and support. Can I just say thank you to all those praying and lifting me up to God and for all you have done as it has completely humbled us. God has provided when we needed it the most. I suppose most people would say it is easy to serve the Lord when all things are good. Wife, house, car and job but now I want to do the same in the difficult too. I have what the world would say 'all to lose' but according to God's word we have the greatest hope of all - eternity. Me and Anne have such peace over this situation and I totally believe God can heal me as he has in the past. Without him he we would be a mess, he has never left or foresaken us, that's how I can make the claim how amazing is our God.

I will be writing on this blog everyday to update and encourage people. I will try and upload pictures as I go through and how I am feeling day by day. Please feel free to read along and share this experience with me. Can I make my first plea to any who doesn't know the Lord - seek him while he can be found. God loves you and will be with with you in all things.

Please feel free to comment or email me at with any questions or thoughts. The prayer and verse for the day are below.

God bless and thanks for reading

Glen Heggarty

Prayer: That we have God's peace in the midst of our storm and that the surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy will work. That God will use this situation for his glory.

Verses of the day: (Psalm 5 v 11-12) 'But let all who take refuge in you be glad, let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them that those who love your name may rejoice in you. For surely O Lord you bless the righteous, you surround them with your favour as a shield.


  1. Your faith has always been an encouragement to me Glen, especially since the cancer. Me and Rachel are praying for you both, and will continue to do so, as will people at SDCC. Isn't it great to know that we have a God who is so much bigger than everything!! :)

  2. Glen you are an inspiration to so many people and an amazing witness for the Lord. Your cooking is pretty good too it is just a shame you support Man Utd. I know there are loads of hurdles to jump and that chemo knocks you around but I really believe that God will bring you through. Such faith and Yorkshire grit. along with Anne is a winning combination.

    God bless your father in law.

  3. What a great way of keeping us all up to date.
    Well done Glen and all our love and prayers to you and Anne.

  4. Glen,you are an amazing Godly example. A real encouragement despite what you are going through. On behalf of target, we will continue to pray diligently for you. Your testimony on camp was really challenging, and you continue to lead by example, having an eternal perspective, and giving God the glory.
    Praying for you mate. God heals, he has done it before, he can do it again. Let's pray its soon!

    See you soon. Rymer

  5. Hi,
    I didn't mean "God bless your father in law" but "God Bless. Your Father in Law". Glen I was just thinking when I first saw your cooking skills. That time you cooked about 25 Asda indian and chinese take aways for Liz's suprise birthday party. You did a great job but in trying to keep the surprise we hid the meals too well. It was two months before I found those other 3 meals hidden in the garage!
    When all this treatment is over I think we should have a Liverpool party! Good job you don't have a garage.

  6. Glen, your blog is great. Seriously good. Nearly as good as God (almost anyway). Your steadfast faith is a true testament to God's faithfulness. Thanks for keeping us informed and with specific prayer points.

    May God continue to shower you with his goodness. Keep running the good race brother.

    Love Pete and Mel

  7. Dear Glen & Anne, I heard your news from Charlotte this morning and felt shocked, bleak and desperate for you both. So what a joy and inspiration to receive such comfort from YOU, when I was flailing around wondering how on earth to offer any shred of comfort myself! All my very best love and thanks, T XXXXXXX

  8. Will be following your blog and praying for you and Ann.
    Lots of love from New Zealand

  9. we will be following your blog and praying for you here in NZ xxxx

  10. By His stripes you are healed and made whole. God Bless xxxxx

  11. In world war one Battalion 91 fought a long and bloody war. Every day they recited Psalm 91. Every other battalion suffered 90% losses. Battalion 91 had no loss of life. I will be reciting this Psalm daily with you in it, as well as the other prayers that you have asked for. xxx

  12. Teresa asked me to pray for you at that I am glad to do. Here is a passage I have found helpful, may God bless you on your difficult journey!
    Psalm 86
    A prayer of David.
    1 Hear me, LORD, and answer me,
    for I am poor and needy.
    2 Guard my life, for I am faithful to you;
    save your servant who trusts in you.
    You are my God; 3 have mercy on me, Lord,
    for I call to you all day long.
    4 Bring joy to your servant, Lord,
    for I put my trust in you.

  13. Glen, today I heard we lost you. At school you were in every class, you were the brightest kindest and smartest kid in that room. Rest in peace and thank you for being an inspiration to us all. Lots of love and deepest sympathy to your nearest family and friends xxx
