Sunday, 26 December 2010

Sunday 26th December - Thanks be to our God.

Just to start I want to say thank you to Al for posting the blog for the past 2 days. I have been read them aloud and know they have been a real encouragement to so many. Thank you also to Rebekah McCready who once again organised 24 hours of prayer and for those people who participated for me.What an encouragement!

My God is an awesome God and well I never expected to be sat here having had 8 hours sleep, eaten good food and be at home on boxing day morning. God really held me up in hospital and I really know what people mean when they say 'I am taking life hour by hour'. God never forsakes us, his mercy is mightier than we can ever compare and he never spares us of it. The texts, emails, words of encouragement and that Bill prayed on Sunday were such a real piece of joy in my heart. The neurosurgeon said it went well and that the scan although not clear seemed to show they had got the tumour - Hallelujah. I am recovering well and just glad I am not being offered tinned turkey for lunch today which was on offer yesterday.

Anne really challenged me yesterday. I was praying for health, recovery, a good scan and healing and then she prayed 'Thank you Lord that you sent your son to this earth and help us to remember what Christmas is truly about, the birth of your Son and Saviour, Christ.' How true that on reflection yesterday was the reminder of the fulfillment of so many promises that God had made and all coming true for us. I was reading Isiah 53 in hospital and this morning. How amazing what Christ came to do. We in our mothers womb have already fallen short of the standard of God but Christ was perfection. He came, was punished without a word, died and rose again for the transgressions of us ALL. What an amazing truth to NEVER let go of.

I really hope and pray you had a great Christmas and that your boxing day turkey curry is just as nice. Thank you for all your prayers, cards, gifts, support, love and words they are just so humbling and I thank God so much for them and will never forgot them.

Chapter for the day: Isiah 53 - How amazing is Christ and the promises of God.

Prayer for the day: Thanks be to our almighty God. King of kings and Lord of Lords. That His name would be proclaimed and people would see Christ for who He truly is- The Messiah.


  1. I too was really grateful to Al for making the time to share your amazing progress with those of us in less direct contact with you. But how (literally) wonder-ful that you are already able to write them yourself again. I am ever so pleased to know that my messages to you reached you even in hospital, and do hope that they played a minor role in sustaining you. You were certainly with us in our hearts and prayers as we celebrated Christmas chez McGrath. Thank you for making this a truly Holy time.

  2. Really pleased that the op went well and am really enjoying reading your posts.
    Bless you and Anna x

  3. Fantastic news that the operation went well and that you were able to celebrate christmas with loved ones!
    Your such an inspiration glen how strong you are, and how your beliefs have kept you and anne strong.
