Friday, 28 January 2011

Friday 28th January - Nearly there

Good evening, sorry about the mix up of last nights blog. We have had a bit of a busy few days and I have not really felt at my peak. The last few days I have been sick, my head is red and blotchy and I have become a little more tired. This has been hard and well I have not slowed down to accommodate this as much as I should. I had my penultimate treatment today which is great in lots of ways but means we are now about to be waiting on results and whether it has worked or not. We met another different doctor today and was told a different set of information as to what they would be scanning and when meaning we could be waiting a further 8 weeks for full results and any more to be done. Frustrating.

Please pray for wisdom for the doctors in knowing when to plan scans, results but also in communicating that to us so we have a clearer picture as to when we will know information. I said yesterday about worrying and have really had a peace about that today. My worrying will change nothing about our situation whereas trusting in the Lord will. God is amazing and I love how his word teaches us so much about him. One of the passages I love to read is 1 John 4, it humbles me. It says 'This is how God showed his love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear friends since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.' (1 John 4 v 9-11).

Thank you for your prayers and love we really have known the love of God in our difficult situation. God promises to walk with you in the valley of the shadow of death and He has been with us.

Verse for the day: 1 John 4 v 9-11 and Daniel 3(What Faith).

Prayer for the day: Please pray for renewed physical strength and my body would not be too weak. Pray for a good, full, peaceful nights sleep and for a restful day tomorrow. Please pray for a swift communication on when scans, results and information about what will happen next. Please pray for the success of the treatment and the tumor not being on the scan. Please pray for a continued presence and strength of the Lord not just to us but to our families also.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Glen, Here's hoping and praying that your unpleasant and uncomfortable physical reactions to the final few days of radioteraphy indicate that it is also impacting upon your tumour. The past couple of weeks have been emotionally and physically gruelling you you and Anne, and I'm sure that your daily journeys to and from Clatterbridge have dominated your days. This will have dictated the rythms and routines, and kept you occuppied. Thanks be to God for being with you both throughout.

    Now I pray that he will be with you bringing peace and calm over the coming weeks. Because after Monday you face what may seem like an eternity of waiting and anxious anticipation of your scan and news of the effects of your treatment thus far. I feel angry and upset that you have received conflicting information from the doctors as to the probably timescale for this. We too have both encountered this kind of confusion far too frequently over the years. So we fully understand the frustration and uncertainty that it causes for you and all who love you. But you can be confident that the the Lord is guiding and dictating developments, and that your doctors and nurses will take the right actions for you at the best time. I join you in your prayers for that.

    In the meantime, I am praying that you both have a comfortable and restful weekend, enjoying the companionship of your relationships with each other and with God. Please Lord that Monday will see you physically and spiritually strengthened to receive your final dose of radiation. If God will forgive me for making so many requests, I ask him also to guide your conversations and meetings with medical staff on Monday. Please, Father, ensure that Glen and Anne leave Clatterbridge on Monday with a confident understanding of what they can expect over the coming weeks, and the most accurate anticipated timescale.

    Love, calm and patience to you both, T XXXX
