Sin. Placing ourselves kings of our lives and dethroning God from being king. It started with Adam and Eve but we all were born with a sin problem and have all dethroned God. Its the reason our world is the way it is. People say how bad our world is and yes because of our sin problem. We love us more than we love God.
When sat in hospital I was really challenged by David's attitude in Psalm 51 especially verses 9 and 10. 'Hide your face from my sins, blot out my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew in me a steadfast spirit within me'. David realises his problem of sin and wants God to not look at his sin and to remove them from him. David wants God to clean his heart and make him clean. I know that my attitude is not always in the same vein as this and it should be.
God answers David's prayer in Christ. He deals with his and our sin by sending Christ to earth. Christ was perfect, blameless and yet we are sinful from even in our mothers womb. Christ was put to death on the cross for us. That is how much God loves us. It did not end there. Christ was resurrected. He conquered death, sin, hell and we can have eternal life. How amazing is that. We whose hearts are full of opposition to God made right with Him through a perfect love in Christ. How amazing is our God and God does not put a limit on how much sin can be forgiven. Believe in him and it is all dealt with every single one. All we have to do is accept we are a sinner before God, believe that Christ died and rose again for our sins and we can take hold of eternal life. What a gift.
I really hope that thought is an encouragement to everyone reading this. Our God is an awesome God and He loves you.
Thank you for all your prayers and support once more and I hope and pray that God is with you in all you will encounter today.
Psalm of the day: Psalm 51
Prayer of the day: Prayer for continued strength from God in all that we face. Please pray for 2 dear friends of ours Dot and Alan Gallagher whose mum is in hospital and extremely unwell that they know the grace of God sufficient for all their needs. Please continue to pray for Lucy and her family and that the radiotherapy appointment would come through swiftly.
I do hope that you and Anne have had a refreshing and enjoyable break with Anne's mum in Telford. I can tell that it has given you both much needed spiritual time and space. Thank God for that. God has, indeed, been with me in all that I do and encounter every day now. I than YOU for that, Glen. Lucy and her loved ones have continued to be in my thoughts and prayers alongside you and all of yours, and I now include Dot and Alan and Mrs Gallagher.
ReplyDeleteManifestly, the grace of God has been with you for the past 10 days. Take strength and comfort from that and, with these, assurance that your radiotherapy appointment wull come through when He sees fit. This will be the right time and will lead to the right outcome, which I pray will be the complete and final eradication of all the cancer cells in your body. In the meanwhile, please continue to be the wonderful and inspirational child of God that you are. T XXXX