Sunday, 16 January 2011

Sunday 16th January - Fix your eyes on Jesus

I was reading about Genesis chapters 2 and 3 and I just love thinking about how much those chapters show how God planned out our salvation and how much He loves us. Adam and Eve are told not to do one thing and well chapter 3 says 'when the woman saw that the fruit was good for food and pleasing to the eye and also desirable for gaining wisdom she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her and he ate some.' We sin and yet God straight away deals with it in a merciful manner and Jesus is presented as our Saviour not just after Malachi but after the first sin is carried out. God says to the serpent 'and I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between her offspring and hers, he will crush your head and you will strike his heel.' God in His mercy deals with our sin and the whole bible is the build up to the promise of Christ being carried out at the cross in the new testament.

It was a real blessing to go to church this morning and we have been out for lunch also which was a real time of fellowship and blessing too. We are heading back to Liverpool tomorrow and the treatment will start Tuesday morning. I have a few different emotions about this week that we are starting, praying for the destruction of the cancer cells and some uncertainty of how my body will react. I know that in all of this I need to look at Christ and He will sustain and uphold me in it all.

We looked this morning at Hebrews 12 and what an encouragement that was. The writer to the Hebrew church says 'Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not lose heart ' (Heb 12v3) and James says at the start of his book 'consider it pure joy whenever you face trials of any kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance,. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything.' (James 1v 2-4). Jesus endured the greatest suffering of all for us and God planned it in Genesis 3. He sweated blood in the garden and His body broken and pierced for our sins. What an encouragement that through all our trials and suffering Jesus knows how we are feeling and we should consider it a joy and fix our eyes on Him.

Thank you once again for all the prayers and support. Please know that the Lord is giving us perseverance, love and most importantly Jesus as our strength in the midst of our suffering situation.

Verse for the day: Genesis 3, Hebrews 12 and James 1

Prayer for the day: That we would fix our eyes on Jesus and consider it pure joy to know Him in the midst of our situation. That I would not be too physically drained by the radiotherapy. That Anne and I would continue to support each other and that Christ would supply our every need. For the radiotherapy to kill the cancer cells through the mighty hand of God. For the doctors, nurses, consultants and radiographers that they would know we rest in the hands of our mighty God and not in wordly statistics and medical outcomes. To thank Him.


  1. Glen,everyone at Lawrence is thinking about you, we talk about you every day and people are always asking about you. I know this is a very difficult week for you and I admire your bravery so much. I hope the treatment goes well for you. All my love Linda xxx

  2. thinking of you both and all your family and friends with love and prayers

  3. We are thinking about you and Anne especailly on the eve of the commencement of your radiotheraphy. Pray God that the treatment will ultimately be successful in killing your cancers once and for all. Please, Lord, sustain Glen and Anne physically, mentally and spiritually in the meantime.

  4. Thinking about you Glen and sending love and prayers to you, Anne and your family.
