Me, a friend and his little girl went to the park and I really enjoyed just walking in the fresh air with the trees and chatting with a friend. Seeing the little girl jumping in the puddles reminded me of the simple things in life. We then went and had lunch with friends. Tomato soup what a delight and simple things such as this are great and really show us to cherish life. I then went for a Costa peppermint tea and chat and its great just to stop and think about how I have grown over the last few weeks and how I want to continue to grow in my relationship with the Lord.
We then had fajitas for tea, my favourite. Its funny how when the busyness of treatment stops and life just becomes well simple its a really strange feeling. Normality is never attainable but life kind of goes on normally around you. You're not at work which I really struggle with as I just want to provide for Anne and well the simple things in life are great and just keep you sane. God though is in it all and He is the strength and all that sustains us however we are feeling. I am not sure for the next six weeks how I will feel each day, what the toll of treatment will be and how it will turn out but I know that God is an awesome God. Psalm 139 reflects this 'You know when I sit down and when I rise up, you discern my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down, and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue behold, O, Lord you know it all together. You hem me in, behind and before, and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, it is high, I cannot attain it.
Our God is with us. He never fails us and sustains us and He knows all of what is to come. We can stand in the character of God and know that when life becomes too much He will sustain and carry us. I love the poem Footprints which talks of how God in the hard times carries us. The simple things in life are such a sight and each day is a blessing and God is the ultimate blessing to us all. Thank you for all your prayers and please continue to text as it really is a blessing to receive them and makes me smile. Thank you for all you support and love it really is a blessing.
Psalm for the day: Psalm 139
Prayer for the day: Give thanks to the Lord for all that He has been so far to us and for us. That God would continue to meet every need, emotion and strength that we need. That I would have physical strength to cope with the radiotherapy. That when we meet people in hospital I would have the wisdom to know how to deal with them. For our families and friends that they would know the love, wisdom and strength of God also.
Looks like it is fajitas for tea on Saturday then and I have got some ice cream. Nathan wants to know if you will bake him a birthday cake!!! He is nearly getting excited about his birthday!! Found out I am on church cleaning for my birthday!!!!! That definitely means no holiday!!! Church cleaning is far more important.
ReplyDeleteMy friend is definitely going to run the London marathon either for Clic Sargeant or Clatterbrdige, which is fab.
Psalm 139 is fantastic - one of my favourite and reminds us that God knows everything about us and even that we were going to be born - how amazing!!
Love you both