Thursday, 27 January 2011

Thursday 27th January - 8 down and 2 to go

We are 8 down and 2 to go in terms of the treatment. It went really swiftly this morning and we were able to have a really good chat with the nurses and some of the patients too. I am feeling well after the treatment, with an itchy scalp the only side effect today. We are both in good spirits if not a little bored with the pace of life but expected with the daily routine of treatment.

The Lord has been amazing in our situation. His provision is amazing in every way. It says in Matthew 6v25' Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear'. I am a worrier in many a ways about life, whether I will get a job, money, food, life. Not a big worrier but I worry. The Lord in the midst of our situation has been amazing and we should not worry about what tomorrow will bring or where things will come from for we are in his hands. He provides and not just things of this world but more importantly things of the next. We start the penultimate treatment tomorrow which brings ever closer the wait to see if it has worked. I praise the Lord I am doing so well please pray this continues and we seek him in all things. Thank you for your support and prayers it means so much and helps us to endure.

Verse for the day: Matthew 6v25

Prayer for the day: Praise the Lord for his spiritual, physical and worldly provision in the midst of our situation and that His character never changes. Praise him for my strength through the treatment and the opportunity to talk to patients and nurses. Please pray for the scan in 4 weeks time or so that the treatment will have worked and the doctors will have the wisdom as the best course of action. For our walk with the Lord, that it would continue to endure and we would know his grace, mercy, peace and strength.

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