Thursday, 13 January 2011

Thursday 13th January - Joy in suffering

I have been preparing our small group weekend away study today and researching Philippians and it really encouraged me. Paul writes the letter from prison due to the persecution of the Romans but yet is so joyful that he has Christ and that the gospel is being advanced that his suffering is nothing in comparison to what is to come - Heaven. What an attitude! Even in the face of persecution, trial and difficulty Paul wants Christ and the gospel to be his number one goal and not the end of his suffering.

Paul in the section I was preparing states 'and most of the brothers having become confident in the Lord by my imprisonment, are much more bold to speak the word, without fear' (V14). He goes on to say 'as it is my eager expectation and hope that I will not at all be ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honoured in my body whether by life or death' (v20) and finally 'only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ' (v27). I love this and am praying that my attitude would be the same. Our lives on earth are here to glorify, proclaim and worship Him. Please pray my attitude would be the same as Paul's in the midst of our suffering.

Today we have both meet with fellow Christians which has been a blessing and I have inherited an exercise bike (thank you very much for the donation). We have sold our other car as I am not allowed to drive for the next two years, which I am very sad about. Anne has sorted our paperwork out for the last 6 years. What a blessing to have such an organised wife I definitely know I needed it. Thank you for your constant prayers they are a blessing to say the least. We are going to Doncaster tomorrow. Please pray we will be a blessing and also that we will get their safely. I hope that all is well with the people reading this and that God is sustaining you in all that you deal with daily. Please be encouraged that God is answering prayer and my mental and physical state is excellent, positive and reassured. Thank you.

Verses for the day: Please read the whole of Philippians 1

Prayer for the day: To give thanks to the Lord that He has sustained us so far. To thank Him that I am physically well and mentally strong. That I would have the same attitude and heart as Paul in my situation. For a safe journey to Doncaster and that we would be a blessing and encouragement to the people we meet. That I would be bold in my proclamation of the gospel. To continue to pray for John, Lucy and the Gallaghers.

1 comment:

  1. Glen,
    your a true encouragement.

    keep running the race.
