Radiotherapy began today and I am trusting and praying in the Lord. We arrived at half 9 and I had a mesh mask moulded for my face by it being placed in hot water. I then had to wait for all the planning to be set up and the treatment began at 10:50. The treatment itself was not very long, 1 minute on each side of the brain and we were finished and off to Cheshire Oaks. We then had lunch at Costa, bought some green tea and mugs and headed off to the next hospital. We then met my consultant who explained the whole picture. He said a lot depended on 3 factors. How I respond to the radiotherapy (i.e. how many side effects I have and how I feel), how successful the radiotherapy is and what the scans in 6 weeks show. I have been told I will lose my hair which I am OK with in lots of ways (less gel and no hair cuts) but anxious in other ways (you can see my scar). I will be more tired than I usually am (how much depends on the individual) and I will get itchy/blotchy skin. There may be others but again its down to the individual reaction.
The radiotherapy times are below as I know people will want to pray at the time when treatment is taking place (Thank you so much for that by the way). Wednesday (11:05), Thursday (11:15), Friday (15:30), Monday (11:05), Tuesday (11:05), Wednesday (11:30), Thursday (11:05), Friday (15:15) and Monday (11:05).
I was really encouraged this morning by a number of things. Daniel chapters 1-3, praying and lifting the treatment into His hands. Also by texts people had sent with bible verses and encouraging words. Daniel in Chapter 1 is taken to a foreign country and asked to live in way that is not for the Lord and Daniel makes the choice to live for the Lord no matter the consequences. The Lord blesses him for this and the people around him notice a difference in his attitude. The king then has a dream and no-one can interpret it and they are all sentenced to death. Daniel then tells his friends to pray for the Lord's mercy to interpret the dream and then says 'Praise be to the name of God forever and ever, wisdom and power are His. He changes times and seasons, He sets us kings and disposes them. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things, He knows what lies in darkness and light dwells within Him. I thank and praise you O God of my fathers You have given me wisdom and power, You have made known to me what we asked of You, You have made known to us the dream of the king' (Daniel 2v20-24). Daniel is given the interpretation and the king makes him second in command of the whole kingdom due to his wisdom.
I love this passage not because it is saying follow the Lord and you will get to become second in command and be able to interpret dreams and God will give you all you want but because Daniel diligently follows the Lord and he is blessed by doing so. Blessed by being a follower of Him not because of anything he gets. Daniel LOVES the Lord and he will follow not matter what his situation is and you see that as you continue to read the rest of the book. His faithfulness is so humbling and an amazing attitude to have.
Thank you for your continued prayers to our Heavenly Father. God is answering as I have been told by every doctor how well I look and have recovered from surgery - Praise His name. I hope you are all well too.
Verse for the day: Daniel 2 v20-24 and Colossians 3 V17 (All for Him who sits at the right hand)
Prayers for the day: Thank Him for the wisdom He gives, the light that He brings and the peace He provides. That the radiotherapy would be successful in killing the cancer cells in my brain through the mighty hand of God. Pray that I would not have too many side effects from the treatment and for general well being throughout. That the scan in 6 weeks would show no progression in the lungs and brain. For continued peace, love, strength and wisdom from the Lord in dealing with our situation. For the glory to be given to God when I speak to the doctors, nurses and patients that we meet.
Bless you Glen am praying and thinking of you and your family xxx