Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Tuesday 25th January - My wee bro is 18!

It makes me feel very old to think that my youngest brother is 18 today. I am the eldest and can remember Nathan in primary school in his red jumper walking across the road. Happy birthday Nathan and sorry I cannot be with you on this day. We have had another good day today and my body is continuing to uphold physically and have few side effects -Praise the Lord. We are over halfway in terms of treatment and I am sure we will blink and it will be over. We are meeting the same nurses each day and new people started the treatment today, please pray we will have boldness, opportunity and words to have Godly conversations with them.

We are taking things slow and enjoying each day as it comes. It has been great to spend each morning with the Lord. We have been looking at Luke and we looked at the resurrection this morning and was great to see how Christ conquered death for us and how we can stand assured of what is to come. I have been sorting Target Camp (11-14 year old camp) today and would really value prayer that I would be well enough to go and complete the planning process and that I would have wisdom in the way I lead. Thank you once again for all your prayers and support.

Verse for the day: Luke 24

Prayer for the day: Thank the Lord for continued strength and being physically upheld. Thank the Lord for each day and we have been able to relax. Pray for the continued success of the treatment and the scan in 6 weeks will show no further growth. For our witness to the hospital staff and people we meet.


  1. Happy Birthday Nathan :-) xxx I too am the youngest of a sizeable family, so understand how inspirational elder siblings can be and what a high standard they set for those of us who follow in the familial footsteps. Glen is certainly setting the bar high for you in terms of his spritual faith and strength. If ever you find that daunting, always remember that God created us each as individuals with an infinite variety of talents and attributes. He moves in the most mysterious ways, and only He knows His plans for us. As you come of age today and enter adulthood you must be experiencing a mix of emotions. We all do at such significant milestones in life. But you are juggling these alongside the tension of whether or not you should be celebrating when your big brother is battling with such enormous challenges on his physical being. Please enjoy and celebrate your very special day, and be confident in the value of yourself in this challenging and uncertain, but invariaby rewarding, world. I am sure you join me in thanks to the Lord for every day that Glen and Anne are able to relax and deepen their relationship with eachother and with God. I know that as you celebrate your birthday you join us, all of Glen's friends, in praying for the continues success of his treatment and that he continues to introduce all he encounters into a meaningful and rewarding relationship with the Lord. HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY, Nathan! T XXXXX

  2. So if it makes you feel old that Nathan is 18, what does that say about me!!! As only Nathan would he is celebrating his birthday in his own particular style - presentation at college, shepherds pie, waiting for his godmother to come (!!!!) and not fuss. At the moment there has been no Nathanism to report.

    Now that you have blogged a funny comment about Nathan - shall I tell people about the tea towel!!!

    Glad that you are feeling better.

    Lots of love from us all
